
Unbounce vs Leadpages: Which is the Right Choice for Your Marketing Needs?

Landing pages are essential for any business that wants to generate leads and sales online. But with so many landing page builders available, choosing the right one for your needs can be tough.

Two of the most popular landing page builders are Unbounce and Leadpages. Both offer a wide range of features and functionalities, but there are some key differences between the two.

Whether you’re a seasoned digital marketer looking to optimize your conversion rates or a newcomer to the world of landing pages, this comprehensive comparison will help you make an informed decision.

In this blog post, we will compare Unbounce and Leadpages side-by-side to help you decide which is right. We will cover everything from pricing and features to ease of use and customer support.

Unbounce Vs Leadpages: Key Difference

Custom domainYesYes
A/B testingYesYes
Built-in email captureYesYes
AI-powered toolsYesNo
Page BuilderYesYes
Dynamic text replacementYesYes
Custom HTML/CSSYesYes
SupportPhone, email, live chat, knowledge basePhone, email, live chat, knowledge base


what is Unbounce

Unbounce is a powerful tool designed to help businesses optimize their online presence and increase conversion rates, thereby boosting their Return on Investment (ROI). The platform offers a comprehensive landing page builder that enables businesses to design and customize pages tailored to resonate with specific audiences and campaigns. This level of customization can significantly improve the user experience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Moreover, Unbounce’s A/B testing and conversion tracking tools allow businesses to pinpoint underperforming sections of their landing pages. By analyzing the behavior of visitors, companies can make data-driven decisions to improve their landing pages, enhancing their effectiveness and overall performance.

Adding to its utility, Unbounce features a unique ‘Smart Traffic’ capability. This feature maximizes the potential of paid traffic by intelligently directing visitors to the landing page where they’re most likely to convert. By ensuring each visitor lands on the most relevant page, businesses can potentially see an uplift in conversions, contributing to a healthier ROI.


what is Leadpages

Leadpages is a landing page builder designed to create high-converting landing pages for businesses of all sizes. It eliminates the need for coding expertise, making it accessible to everyone.

Leadpages offers a wide range of landing page templates, so you can choose a design that aligns with your brand and goals.

It is intuitive drag-and-drop tools also enable users to customize their landing pages effortlessly. One of the key features of Leadpages is its focus on conversion goals.

Whether increasing email sign-ups, boosting product sales, or promoting event registration, Leadpages optimizes your landing pages to encourage visitors to take desired actions.

By simplifying the landing page creation process and focusing on conversion optimization, Leadpages effectively helps businesses increase their conversion rates fast.

Unbounce Features

Landing Page Templates

Unbounce landing templates

Unbounce boasts over 150 landing page templates optimized for different industries and use cases. This vast library lets you start quickly without designing landing pages from scratch.

Drag-and-Drop Builder

Unbounce’s intuitive builder lets you customize landing pages without any coding. You can easily add or remove elements to create the perfect layout for your page.

Smart Traffic

Unbounce smart traffic

The Smart Traffic feature targets your landing pages to specific visitors based on criteria like location and device. This ensures visitors see the most relevant landing page, potentially boosting conversion rates.

Smart Builder

Unbounce smart builder

Unbounce’s Smart Builder uses artificial intelligence to help create conversion-optimized landing pages. It suggests relevant elements and layouts based on your goals and can generate copy for you.

Smart Copy

Unbounce smart copy

With the help of Smart Copy, You can generate compelling copy for your landing pages. You just Provide it with a brief, which will generate a range of copy options for you.

A/B Testing

Unbounce’s A/B testing feature lets you pit two versions of a landing page against each other to determine which performs better. Test different headlines, images, or call-to-actions to find what clicks with your audience.

Pop-ups and Sticky Bars

unbounce pop-ups and sticky bars

These features are excellent tools for capturing leads and promoting special offers. Target pop-ups to specific visitors and pages and use A/B testing to determine which ones perform best.

Dynamic Text Replacement

Personalize your landing pages with Dynamic Text Replacement. Insert visitors’ names or other information into your page copy to make it more engaging and relevant.

Heatmaps and Recordings

Understand how visitors interact with your landing pages using Unbounce’s heatmaps and recordings. Use this insight to identify areas of improvement on your pages.


unbounce integrations

Unbounce integrates seamlessly with various marketing tools, including email marketing platforms, CRM systems, and analytics tools, making incorporating your landing pages into your existing marketing workflow easier.

Conversion Tracking

Track your landing page’s success with Unbounce’s conversion tracking feature. Use this data to optimize your landing pages for better results.

Security and Compliance

Unbounce provides SSL encryption for your landing pages, safeguarding customer data. It also offers features to help you comply with GDPR and other data protection regulations.

Leadpages Features

Here are some of the best Leadpages features for driving sales:

Landing Page Builder

Leadpages landing page builder

Leadpages offers a drag-and-drop landing page builder that’s easy to use, even for those without coding or design skills. You can quickly create beautiful, high-converting landing pages from various templates designed to cater to different industries and goals.

Conversion-Optimized Templates

The platform provides a wide selection of professionally designed templates optimized for conversions. These templates follow best practices in copywriting and design to ensure your landing pages effectively drive sales.

A/B Testing

leadpages AB testing

Leadpages allows you to create and test multiple landing page versions to identify which performs best. This feature enables you to refine your messaging and design for maximum impact on sales.

Lead Capture Tools

leadpages lead capture tool

Leadpages offers various tools for effective lead capture, including customizable opt-in forms, pop-ups, and alert bars. These can be integrated with popular email marketing platforms to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

Payment Processing Integration

Leadpages integrates with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, facilitating direct sales. This feature is particularly beneficial for selling digital products, online courses, or e-commerce items directly from your landing pages.

Exit-Intent Pop-Ups

Leadpages exit intent pop-ups

Leadpages’ exit-intent pop-ups appear when a visitor is about to leave your website, offering one last chance to convert. These can help capture leads and increase sales.

Checkout Pages

Leadpages check-out pages

With Leadpages, you can create checkout pages where visitors can purchase your products or services directly from your landing pages, reducing friction and boosting sales.

Mobile Responsiveness

As most web traffic now comes from mobile devices, ensuring your landing pages function seamlessly across all devices is crucial. Leadpages ensures your pages are mobile-responsive, enhancing user experience and increasing your chances of making sales.

Countdown Timers and Scarcity Elements

Leadpages allows you to add countdown timers and scarcity elements to your landing pages, creating a sense of urgency that encourages visitors to act swiftly. This can be particularly effective for limited-time offers or promotions.

Analytics and Reporting 

Leadpages provides detailed analytics and reporting features that help you understand your landing page’s performance. You can track various metrics like page views, conversion rates, and more, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to boost your sales.


Leadpages seamlessly integrates with a variety of CRM and email marketing tools. You can automatically send your leads to your preferred email marketing service or CRM for further nurturing and conversion.

Lead Magnets and Content Upgrades

Leadpages make creating and promoting lead magnets like eBooks, whitepapers, or webinars easy. These can attract qualified leads interested in your products or services, helping you build a list of potential customers.

Unlimited Publishing

Leadpages allows you to create and publish as many landing pages as you need at no extra cost. This flexibility lets you target different audience segments with tailored sales messages, enhancing your sales strategy.

Ease Of Use

Both Unbounce and Leadpages are popular landing page builders that offer drag-and-drop editors and a variety of templates to choose from. However, there are some key differences regarding their overall ease of use.


Unbounce is known for its user-friendly interface and its wide range of features. The drag-and-drop editor is easy to learn and use, even for beginners with no design experience. Unbounce also offers a variety of smart features, such as Smart Traffic and Dynamic Text Replacement, that can help you create more effective landing pages.

However, Unbounce can be more complex than Leadpages, especially if you want to customize your landing pages beyond the basics. Unbounce also offers several features that are only available on its higher-priced plans.


Leadpages is known for its simplicity and its focus on conversion optimization. The drag-and-drop editor is extremely easy to use, and Leadpages provides various tools and templates to help you create high-converting landing pages.

One of the things that makes Leadpages so easy to use is its Leadmeter feature. The Leadmeter provides real-time feedback on your landing page design and offers suggestions on improving your conversion rates. However, Leadpages is not as feature-rich as Unbounce, and it can be limiting if you want to create complex landing pages. Leadpages also does not offer as many options for customization as Unbounce.

Overall, Leadpages is the easier landing page builder, especially for beginners. However, Unbounce offers more features and flexibility for users who need it.

Landing Page Templates

In terms of quantity, Leadpages offers more landing page templates than Unbounce. This can give businesses more options and opportunities to find a design that closely aligns with their brand.

However, the quality of landing page templates is equally important. Both Unbounce and Leadpages offer professionally designed, responsive templates that are easy to customize.

Unbounce stands out with its AI-powered features like Smart Traffic and Dynamic Text Replacement, which can significantly improve the performance of your landing pages by personalizing the user experience. The Sticky Bars feature can also be a powerful tool for lead generation.

Leadpages, on the other hand, scores points with Its Leadmeter feature, providing real-time insights into lead generation. 

The platform also offers a complete website builder, which can be a significant advantage for businesses looking to create a cohesive online presence without using multiple platforms. Its A/B testing feature is also valuable for optimizing landing page performance.

In conclusion, both Unbounce and Leadpages provide excellent landing page templates. Choosing between them depends on your specific business needs and preferences. If advanced AI features and personalization are high on your list, Unbounce could be the better choice. 

If you’re looking for a larger selection of templates, real-time lead tracking, and a complete website builder, Leadpages might be the better fit. As always, taking advantage of the free trials both platforms offer is recommended to see which works best for you.

A/B Testing

Unbounce and Leadpages are popular landing page builders offering A/B testing features. A/B testing compares two versions of a landing page to see which one performs better. This can be done by randomly showing different visitors each version of the page and tracking their behavior.


Unbounce offers a comprehensive A/B testing feature. Users can create and compare multiple landing page versions to see which performs better. Unbounce allows you to test different elements on your page, such as headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, etc. You can also segment your audience for specific tests, enabling you to understand how different groups respond to your pages.

One of the prominent features of Unbounce’s A/B testing is Smart Traffic. This AI-powered tool routes visitors to the variant they’re most likely to convert based on their attributes and behavior. It starts optimizing conversion rates after as few as 50 visits to a page.

Unbounce provides detailed reports on the performance of your A/B tests. You can track conversion rates, visitor counts, and improvement percentages.


Leadpages also offers A/B testing features, which are relatively basic compared to Unbounce. You can create two versions of a landing page and compare their performance. However, the customization options and the types of tests you can run are limited.

Leadpages’ A/B testing feature lets you track conversion rates and overall engagement. However, it doesn’t provide an AI-powered feature like Unbounce’s Smart Traffic.


For A/B testing, Unbounce stands out with its extensive features and AI-powered optimization tool. It gives you more flexibility and allows you to conduct more complex tests. However, if you’re looking for a simpler solution for A/B testing and don’t require advanced features, Leadpages could be a suitable choice.

Unbounce Vs Leadpages: Pricing Plans

Unbounce Pricing

Unbounce offers four different pricing plans to cater to various business needs.

Here’s an overview of the Unbounce pricing plans:

Launch Plan – Priced at $99 per month, this plan is perfect for those just getting started with their online presence. It offers unlimited landing pages, popups, sticky bars, and AI copywriting. With the Launch plan, you can have up to 500 conversions and 20,000 monthly visitors. This plan includes support for 1 domain.

Optimize Plan (Recommended) – At $145 per month, this plan is ideal for businesses looking to optimize their online marketing efforts. It includes all features of the Launch plan but allows for up to 1,000 conversions and 30,000 visitors per month. You can use this plan for up to 5 domains.

All plans have unlimited landing pages, popups, sticky bars, and AI copywriting to help create engaging and effective content.

Accelerate Plan – Priced at $240 per month, the Accelerate plan is designed for growing businesses that need more capacity. It supports up to 2,500 conversions and 50,000 visitors per month. This plan supports up to 10 domains.

Concierge Plan – Starting at $625 per month, the Concierge plan is the premium offering from Unbounce. It is designed for large-scale operations requiring high conversion rates and large traffic. It supports more than 5,000 conversions and over 100,000 visitors per month. The Concierge plan can be used with more than 25 domains. Additionally, it includes a dedicated success manager to help ensure your campaigns are successful.

Leadpages Pricing

Leadpages offers a range of pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals looking to create high-converting landing pages and websites.

Below, we’ll break down the details of each pricing plan:

Leadpages offers a range of pricing plans tailored to fit different business needs. Each plan comes with an array of features designed to enhance your online marketing efforts.

Standard Plan: For $49 per month, you get access to the Drag & Drop Landing Page Builder, 10,000 monthly AI Engine credits, and AI Engine for headlines and images. This plan also includes best-in-class conversion tools, over 250 conversion-optimized templates, unlimited traffic & leads, 1 custom domain, and 90+ integrations.

Pro Plan: At $99 per month, the Pro Plan offers all the features of the Standard Plan, but with 30,000 monthly AI Engine credits and additional AI Engine capabilities for writing assistance. You also get 3 custom domains, e-commerce functionalities without transaction fees, and a blogging platform.

All plans are billed monthly. The ‘Coming Soon’ label indicates that some features are currently under development and will be available soon. Please note that prices and features may vary, so checking the official Leadpages website for the most current information is recommended.

Advanced Plan: This plan is customizable according to your business needs, and you’ll need to inquire to get the pricing details. It includes unlimited monthly AI Engine credits and the complete suite of AI Engine tools. You receive 50 custom domains, advanced integrations, and e-commerce functionalities with no transaction fees. The Advanced Plan also offers multiple blogs and a dedicated success coach.

Security and Privacy

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a landing page builder is the security and privacy measures in place. Unbounce and Leadpages take this seriously, offering features like SSL encryption, dedicated IP addresses, and GDPR compliance.

However, there are some differences between the two. Unbounce offers advanced security features such as 2-factor authentication and custom SSL certificates, which may be necessary for businesses handling sensitive data. Leadpages, on the other hand, offers automatic SSL encryption for all pages.


Unbounce Integrations

Unbounce facilitates seamless integration with a wide array of tools. It integrates natively with popular platforms like WordPress, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Salesforce, Zoho CRM, and Google Analytics. This enables you to collect leads from your landing pages and automatically funnel them to your CRM or email marketing platform.

Furthermore, Unbounce supports Zapier, which allows you to connect with over 1,000 additional apps. This means that even if Unbounce doesn’t have a native integration with a specific tool, you can still link it using Zapier.

Leadpages Integrations

Similar to Unbounce, Leadpages also offers a variety of integrations. It integrates natively with platforms such as AWeber, Constant Contact, Drip, GetResponse, and Google Analytics. Like Unbounce, Leadpages also supports Zapier, enabling you to connect with many other apps.

A unique feature of Leadpages is its Checkout widget, which integrates with Stripe, allowing you to sell products directly from your landing pages. This feature is particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses.

In conclusion, both Unbounce and Leadpages provide robust integration capabilities that can cater to the needs of most businesses. The optimal choice will depend on your specific needs and the tools you’re already utilizing.

Choosing the Right Platform

When choosing a landing page builder, it is important to consider the integrations that you need. If you are already using a specific CRM software or email marketing platform, you will want to ensure that the landing page builder you choose integrates with that platform.

If you need to integrate with many different marketing tools, you may want to choose a landing page builder that supports Zapier. This will give you access to the widest range of integrations.

Customer Support

Unbounce and Leadpages are two of the leading landing page builders in the digital marketing space. Both platforms offer a range of features designed to help businesses convert more leads into customers. However, when it comes to customer support, each has its unique strengths.

Unbounce Customer Support

Unbounce provides robust customer support with multiple channels for reaching out. Their support is available via email, live chat, and phone during Pacific Standard Time business hours. This means you can get real-time assistance from their team if you’re based in or near this time zone.

Unbounce also boasts a comprehensive help center filled with articles, guides, and tutorials. This self-service resource is excellent for users who prefer to find solutions independently without reaching out for support. It covers many topics, from getting started with the platform to more complex issues like troubleshooting and optimization.

Leadpages Customer Support

Leadpages, on the other hand, offers customer support via email and live chat, with phone support available during Eastern Standard Time business hours. This makes it a great option for users in or near this time zone.

What sets Leadpages apart is its active community forum. Here, users can connect with other Leadpages customers, share insights, ask questions, and find solutions. This communal approach to support can be very valuable, especially for users who appreciate learning from others’ experiences and expertise.

Both Unbounce and Leadpages have solid customer support systems. The choice between the two comes down to your specific needs and preferences. If you value phone support during PST business hours and a comprehensive help center, you might lean towards Unbounce. However, if you prefer phone support during EST business hours and an active community forum, Leadpages could better fit you.


In conclusion, both Unbounce and Leadpages are powerful tools for creating high-converting landing pages. Unbounce’s strength lies in its flexibility and advanced customization options, making it ideal for businesses with specific needs and those who want full control over their landing page design.

On the other hand, Leadpages shines with its simplicity and ease of use, perfect for beginners or small businesses that need to get a landing page up quickly.

Both platforms offer analytics and A/B testing capabilities, but Unbounce has a Smart Traffic feature for A/B testing this feature is better than Leadpages.

Ultimately, the choice between Unbounce and Leadpages depends on your specific needs, budget, and skill level. Consider the unique features of each platform and how they align with your business goals before making a decision.

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